Snowbird/Alta 3/28/2014 - Sick Sick Sick

As I recollect on today's might have been the best, if not top 3. Just absolutely perfect......fairly low crowds......beautiful spring time temps (upper 30's), started out with snow, mostly sunny by day's end......endless face shots all day long. Just..........absurdly good.

Started out at Little Cloud -- 3 laps underneath the lift. Beautiful rippable lines- - solid 10" of fresh or windblown. Great way to start the day and warm up. You could feel the subsurface a little bit but generally, it was quite good......the wind really did a number and freshened things up beautifully.

Headed over to Mineral and skied seriously untracked lines. Unreal. I thought it had been skied over yesterday. It really dumped back there yesterday. Visibility was so to start out and got increasingly good as the afternoon went on. I skiied a few lines off of Baldy which were essentially untouched as well.

I went back up Mineral to find out Road to Provo had just opened up. Boy did it ski beautifully.........just a blast - 12- 14" which had not been skiied yesterday I believe. Skied like a dream. Serious face shot city. Line at Little Cloud went fast........ Took 3 laps there before I headed back to Baldy to check the opening at Backside Alta.

Backside Alta had just opened up and it too, having not been opened yesterday skied like a dream. Face shot anyone? Just sso so so so good. Very little traffic. Took 3 laps on Backside which were essentially untouched lines. Very very happy with the lines. Took one lap on Glory Hole which too skied beautifully.

Went back to Baldy to find out that they had Sugar Cliff area opened. It was untouched. Skied like a beautiful. Just about perfect. Sun was starting to warm things up and i knew by 230 this area would be baked. I later found out that that was very true -- West facing aspects got baked this afternoon.

I then proceeded into a pattern -- Mineral to Chamonix to Baldy to Sugar Cliffs. Face shot, turn, face shot, turn. Repeat. So so so good. I could not believe how good Chamonix Bowl was skiing at 1:45. Untracked face shots full throttle perfect visibility. It was like that for 4 laps. I did that until about 2:00 until I went over to Alta to check on Ballroom.

Opening looked imminent on Ballroom so I stopped for lunch at 2:00 pm at Collins. Scarfed down a tuna sandwich and headed up to Ballroom opening. It was surpisingly busy IMO. Anyways, finally caught up with Admin and Amyz and and did a run out near Baldy Shoulder. Skiied beautifully as well.

I'll let admin finish the report from this point on. ................I've done enough.


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I would agree with the best day of the year sentiment. We got to the top of the tram at 9:03, Powder Paradise hadn't been skied since the storm started and was open! We headed out the cat track in poor visibility and got to the end and saw the Step was open, hoofed it up that and we were the third through fifth people out there, pure untracked goodness. It was so good we went for another lap.

We were headed for a third when I saw about 20 people at the RTP gate and a patroller headed that way. We got to the gate just as she pulled the rope. The cat track was a mass of wind drifts and even a couple of holes, I passed about 15 of the people using the outside line while others made poor choices. I hit Mark Malu, made about 2-3 luscious turns and hung a left to the gate atop the Rastas. Crossed over the top of Rasta and hit the line with the cliff sign just past the trees. I love that line, couple of swooping turns, a set up turn, then a point through a small choke. My grin was ear to ear as I hit Skadi Drill Hill and rode to the bottom. We rode Little Cloud and went back for seconds which were every bit as good.

Those four runs were some of the best of my season. Skied a Tiger Tail to the Pearly Gates, an Eye of the Needle, Palm Springs, couple Cirques and ended the day with a line I'd never done past the tower off the Cirque. We got off the hill by 1:30 before the sun started doing too much damage.

Yesterday was so good I took today off, the first day this season I haven't been working or skiing. Golf sucked by the way, windy and cloudy, shoulda went skiing...