Day 97: The tail wagging the dog.
We had friends over last night and I really tied one on. :roll: I lacked motivation yesterday but with a killer hangover this morning was even worse. My brain was in a fog when I got in the car and headed up for a few runs just to log #97.
Telejon bagged out so that left only Bobby Danger. He wasn't there, however, when I arrived and booted up so I loaded the Tram alone. I played music in my helmet just so I wouldn't have to listen to anyone in the Tram. I deliberately rode Mineral Basin Express alone so that I wouldn't have to deal with anyone there, either. After a few runs I split to head home.
Last night the snow definitely set up better than it had overnight Friday. Upper mountain north-facing stuff had set up nicely and frankly needed a bit more time than I was willing to give it this morning. Groomers in Mineral, though, were already softened to perfection.
From the location of Bobby's truck when I returned to my car I'm guessing he was only about 10 minutes behind me but I would've made lousy company this morning anyway. By forcing myself up there this morning I can now log just one day a week for the remainder of Snowbird's lift-served season and still hit my target of 100 days. That works for me.
We had friends over last night and I really tied one on. :roll: I lacked motivation yesterday but with a killer hangover this morning was even worse. My brain was in a fog when I got in the car and headed up for a few runs just to log #97.
Telejon bagged out so that left only Bobby Danger. He wasn't there, however, when I arrived and booted up so I loaded the Tram alone. I played music in my helmet just so I wouldn't have to listen to anyone in the Tram. I deliberately rode Mineral Basin Express alone so that I wouldn't have to deal with anyone there, either. After a few runs I split to head home.
Last night the snow definitely set up better than it had overnight Friday. Upper mountain north-facing stuff had set up nicely and frankly needed a bit more time than I was willing to give it this morning. Groomers in Mineral, though, were already softened to perfection.
From the location of Bobby's truck when I returned to my car I'm guessing he was only about 10 minutes behind me but I would've made lousy company this morning anyway. By forcing myself up there this morning I can now log just one day a week for the remainder of Snowbird's lift-served season and still hit my target of 100 days. That works for me.