Snowing hard at Guardsman and Jupiter Peak


New member
Some pictures from 7pm today. The rain/snow line was just above Solitude with snow sticking beyond the Guardsman gates. I measured snow depth at Jupiter Peak at 4 inches. Last year I missed winning PCMR's "guess the first 6-incher" contest by mere hours. This year, the contest closed today -- they must have gotten a hundred entries just before the deadline. We'll see. I guessed tomorrow at 8am before heading out. From what I can tell, the cold front isn't even here so it looks like the forecast is underestimating the snow.
There were some kids in a Ford truck who headed down the back side of Guardsman as I was pulling out. They sort of disappeared into the whiteout. If you've seen how slippery that first corner gets after any kind of snow, and how it has a double fall-line down the cliff, you'd be a fool to attempt it.

Top of Jupiter lift at Park City

Same spot, looking down canyon

Empty lifts are so sad



back side of Guardsman. That's blowing snow


Both Cottonwoods restricted to 4x4 or chains. There is a very intense band of what looks like lake effect that has set up over the canyons. In my four years up here near the top of BCC I've never seen it snow this hard before November. Worried about all the aspens that still have a full load of leaves.
Beautiful footage! Have to say, that corner looks much less scary on camera than in real life.