Snowy Range, WY 6/25/08


New member
For those who don't know the Snowy Range is in South Eastern Wyoming between Laramie and Saratoga. It is mostly rolling hills except for a notable ridge that runs through the middle of the range. It is also a place of great snow preservation, large cornices, and steep chutes.


I got lost on the other side of this range in May of 06 but was looking for some redemption on the other side. Here is the link to that report: Medicine Bowes

We got a little bit of a late start yesterday because we got side tracked by some rock climbing at Vedauwoo.


Grizzly and I decided against climbing the route and in favor of climbing the ridge, notably to check out the large cornices in the other chutes.

Grizzly with his newest look:

Cornice ready to fall:

Nice vista:

Grizz ready to attack some scree:

Delicious scree:

Nearing the top of the scree field the weather decided to turn sour, with thunder and lightning looming near. We had a decision to make, retreat, or continue on and hope the cornice was not to big to manage without rope, and that we could get down before the storm descended upon us. We elected to continue onwards.

Storm moving in:

We ran on another quarter mile or so along the ridge and quickly geared up as the storm got closer. We found a giant overhanging cornice, anywhere from 15 to 30 feet high. We did however find a nice sleuth in around some rocks, here is grizz owning the entrance.



Me getting started:

Grizz making the runnel even bigger:

Me heading to the fin:

Me lower down:

Grizz getting dirty:


Here are two shots of the line:

Nice! Gorgeous chute. Both the Snowys and the Wind Rivers are on my destination list, albeit more for summer activities than winter.

Grizz, are you going to school in Laramie?
Patrick":5h0iobv4 said:

It would have been radder if you would have skied with the 4Ss!!! :wink:

The 4Ss were in the car, as they have been since I left Jay on May 4th. Grizz skied them last week up outside of Sheridan WY in the big horns,


I've decided I shouldn't take them in real serious terrain until I get some new binders on them though.
salida":3u892d4r said:
I've decided I shouldn't take them in real serious terrain until I get some new binders on them though.

Oh yeah, I forgot about THOSE biddings issues. :-k Definitely a drag.

Well, you're more than welcome to try my 4S with Marker M46R. Never had an issue with those biddings plus the skis would be a proper lenght (207). However the edges are totally shot, too much skiing linking turns and snowpatchs. :wink:
a notable ridge that runs through the middle of the range

Also known as Medicine Bow Peak (for others who may not know).

How much vert is that ridge? Looks like about 1500' or so...

Looks like a great day out there!

Never spent much time up that way (excluding my one trip this year to the ski area). I may end up camping in that general area next weekend; though I'd be hiking & mtn biking instead of attempting to ski this time of year.
I'd say its under 1500 vertical feet, probably closer to a 1000 (well at least the skiable line).

There is lots of snow up there still, the only campgrounds accessible are those down the pass from the ski area, Brooklyn Lake and Sandy Lake areas are still snowed in. That may change by next weekend, but just be forewarned...
My family is from Rawlins, Wyo. We used to go up to the Snowys fairly regularly to fish during the summer. What a great ski objective to have bagged!