So Cal


New member
I have been lurking around here for a while - Hello all and thanks for all the info.

I have read the threads on Waterman and Baldy - I will be in LA on business next week and wondered if was worth heading out to Snow Summit or somewhere else to ski?

I am on a tight schedule and would have to push my return flight back a day - but given how far I am from mountains, any time I head west I think about skiing. Any thoughts?

We were in Park City last week and will be returning in March hopefully.

I would say I am a fairly strong intermediate skier - Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Snow Summit should be pretty safe. It's been cold so they have been resurfacing with snowmaking. No mention if your ski day is weekend or midweek.

The natural terrain is hardpacked with some obstacles. I was going to ski a day this weekend but have decided to take my chances next weekend since snow is predicted for Thursday/Friday.

If the snow comes in at a foot or more, I would consider Mt. High for the shorter drive and decent variety of terrain beteeen the 2 mountains. There is a shuttle between them but the OB in between can be skied if you know what you're doing. Get there early and park at East. If it's a weekend, West has very high skier density on the main runs but the outlying and natural runs are still worthwhile.

2 feet or more I would go to Baldy. Not sure on your timing, but if it's after this weekend you'll have timely reports to make a more informed decision.
Thanks - I don't know if it is even a realistic possibility - but I thought I would see - The possible ski day would be this coming Tuesday the 29th - Given the flights home, I could almost fly through Salt Lake and get to skiing faster -