Squaw Valley USA, CA 4/22/2011


Well-known member
On previous day when Northstar claimed 4 inches new, Squaw claimed 3. On Friday, Northstar reported 0 new (or re-reported the same 4 inches they had already reported), while Squaw reported 1 new. Again, our hopes were that we would be able to ski without getting rained on as it was predicted to start around 2. We later learned the top had mostly not been skied as Headwall, Siberia and Granite Chief were closed previous day ‘due to storm’ so there was some untracked.

We were on the Funitel about 9:30. I saw skiers coming down in what looked like fresh snow on the Nose of Headwall so that is what we went up first. My snowboarding friend does not appreciate Headwall. He had probably his worst fall earlier this season on the long, often icy unloading ramp. This time he got too low on the turn towards the Face and Nose so we went down Sun Bowl. I found 1-2” of new snow, with some avoidable icy spots and was able to go very deep to the catch line. He kept moving left, where he found mostly icy snow and was still very slow on the long left traverse out of the bowl. Further down, towards Cornice II bowl, I found more untouched, but barely 1” deep new snow. Next run we went to the Nose where I enjoyed the 1” or so of fresh while he struggled with the steepness and firm snow. So we moved to Siberia which is less steep and had some untouched snow. We did that a couple of times before taking Gold Coast up and skiing over to Shirley Lake which we went down twice. I quickly got bored on too easy blue runs so we moved to Granite Chief which we took two or three times. The snow was very good in spots and if it was not, you could always move to the steep groomer. My last run I went off the cornice below the backside of Emigrant and found a couple of inches of mostly untouched below the cornice and into the steep trees skiers left of the Attic

We took a couple of more runs on Siberia together before heading down the left side of the valley where snow was very soft on the groomed, but I was able to find some untracked above it, which reminded me of Home Run at Northstar the previous day. My friend went back to his house near Truckee while I snacked at my car, grabbed my goggles, better gloves and jacket as the day was not warming up. I also got a beer to drink during Funitel ride to meet with other friends. While skiing to Siberia, I realized I was only wearing a cap as I had left my helmet in my car. I put cap in a pocket and goggles over my jacket hood as it was starting to snow. With other friends, I took one ride up Siberia and top to bottom run at Squaw as one had to leave to go to work. I went back to the car and got my helmet and had more snacks. As I was walking back to where I had left my skis near KT, I realized I did not have my keys. Since I was afraid I had left them in the door, I returned to car where I was locked out. Luckily Squaw security was able to get me backing within 30 minutes as I had canceled AAA and my car was not that easy the only time they helped me with lockout.

I skied Saddle of KT to Headwall which I then skied four times. First, I took Sun Bowl which was still skiable, but starting to firm up. Usually it is a morning-only spring corn run. Next I took the Nose, where snow was still good. I finished my day with two runs down easy-black Ridge Run into Horse Trail. I was enjoying the inch that had already fallen, when surprised to be lightly hit from behind by a high-speed skier, wearing a distinctive blue helmet had ran into my right-side (mostly hit my pole) and didn’t stop. I caught up with him at the chair, where I got on the chair behind him and yelled at him. Either he was wearing headphones or didn’t care that he had hit me, and he may have been surprised that I was right behind him, because he mostly ignored me. I thought he might stop at the top and apologize, but he continued on so I yelled at him again while he sped to the Face. I skied mostly the same Ridge Run and came out ahead of him on the Mountain Run and yelled at him a couple of more times, but he never stopped or said sorry and went up Headwall again. After 3 pm, I continued to the bottom and changed and went to Mamasakes for the $5 hand roll and beer special. That’s the price with a can of Bud - it’s $6.50 with a good draft pint. After a stop to talk to my bootfitter, who I had seen on Granite Chief, I drove non-stop Squaw to San Jose in just over three and a half hours. My watch counted 19 runs and the closest I’ve come to 25K vertical at Squaw this season in 25 days there with 24,800. On Saturday Northstar again reported 4” new and Squaw only reported 2. I came home since my son is home for the weekend from college and I have tickets to hopefully watch the Sharks end their playoff series at home against LA.


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That was dense Sierra snow, but I'd still expect a lot of bottoming out on the refrozen base given Squaw Valley's steepness and only 4 inches.
That said, I was pleasantly surprised how little bottoming out there was at Mammoth on the 6+.

I hope you make it down to Mammoth for some late season this year. Memorial weekend would be the logical time so you get 3 days with the travel distance and maximum lifts running. Let me know.
I think the layer underneath, especially at Northstar previous day, had not re-frozen. When most of the snow fell, it was still above freezing so it skied much better than same amount of dry snow on top of re-frozen base. At Squaw, there were some icy moguls that had to be crossed to get to Nose of Headwall, but if you searched for the right exposure, which is much easier to do on skis than a snowboard, you could find some good soft snow.

My season is not over. I have some Sugar Bowl tickets that need to be used by Friday so I hope to go back for at least two days towards the end of the week. The price of gas will be a deterrent for a trip to Mammoth. I need to find a buy one day, get next day free Coke One Mammoth deal that I heard were available in southern CA. Since I'm retired the time to get to Mammoth is not that much of an issue, but my wife would like me to spend some of the three day weekend she gets with her. Maybe going before the weekend and meeting her at Tahoe on the way back would work. I don't know that any of the higher passes over the Sierras will re-open this year over Memorial Day weekend as Sonora Pass (CA-108, over 9,600 feet)) did last year.
I would be surprised if any passes other than Monitor (doesn't help you much) open by Memorial weekend.

snowboard247 on Mammoth Forum":1a02vpnd said:
Lifts Open starting April 25th
Chairs 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, and Panorama Gondola.
Saturday & Sunday - Chairs 5, 10, and 23.
Panorama Gondola will be down for maintenance from May 31st to June 17th with Chair 23 running instead.
Last year chair 4 also ran Saturday/Sunday of Memorial weekend. Mammoth uses projected occupancy rates to anticipate weekend business. They saw it was going to be busy last year and thus added chair 4 last minute, which gave another parking access point to the mountain. I would expect this year to be similar with even more snow.

The best suggestion would be for both of you to come for the 3 days. Skiing can be done by 1-2PM and there are other things to do around the area during long spring afternoons/evenings. Mammoth Forum people usually put together a social event or two on Saturday/Sunday after skiing. With salting of the groomers the skiing will also be much more intermediate friendly than at Tahoe.

Coming earlier will lose only a little bit of lift accessible terrain. You'll have to traverse to more of it, notably the stuff around chairs 5 and 23. Also, if it's been hot the Memorial weekend skier packing will improve some of those runs. But you never know; last year the Friday before Memorial weekend was a powder day. If you come early, you should stay through Saturday's skiing. Last year Mammoth Forum people met for Saturday dinner at the Whoa Nellie Deli in Lee Vining http://forums.mammothmountain.com/viewt ... =14&t=7264, which would be on your way back to Tahoe.
I don't think traveling 380 or so miles each way from San Jose to Mammoth is how my wife wants to relax on her long weekend, but I'll try to be there with or withour her. I have located some buy one day get next day free tickets so I planning to go Fri/Sat of Memorial Day weekend, then return to Squaw for Sunday when they have their pond skimming. I'm trying to talk my wife into flying to Reno on free Southwest tickets she has to join me for the one day.

Squaw is reporting 733 inches of snowfall this year and is scheduled to run KT and Headwall to the end. Both of these are steep, high-speed lifts with over 1,800 feet of vertical and many different exposures. I'd think harder about going later this week as it is the last week before they go to Fri-Sat-Sun schedule (plus Mondays for 5/15 when Tour of CA bike race will be starting there and Memorial Day, but this week is Siberia instead of Headwall to access big half-pipe.