Stowe Best-Day-Of-Season-So-Far Jan 26


New member
I'm too tired right now to convert the links to photos in the text. If I get some energy later or tomorrow I'll do it. FTO column forthcoming. Its so freakin' good out there right now.

Ran into Wes and Mr. Rogers at the bottom of the quad.
That must've been one helluva run down at 750am from the Stone Hut.

Met up with Dylan and his friend Andy...then proceeded to have by far the
best powder day of the year. I'll let photos and short clips tell the
rest of the story.

Skiers were...




Never would I have imagined that Stowe's 6-7" report would end up to be
this much. For the first time I feel like they might have under-
reported. 18" since Sunday is no joke.

I'm 6'2" and my poles are pretty tall. Here's the new snow:





Clouds came and went...snowed most of the day at various intensities but
mostly lightly. Lots of snow out there. Bypass Chutes were comparable to
skiing the Wildcat area at Alta. So light, so fluffy, so deep.

Dave in route...

Dylan making a turn...

Dave losing himself in a wake of powder...

Video Clip of Dave dropping, sticking the landing, and skiing out with
face shots of a frequented cliff in the Bypass Chutes (I'm sure Dylan's
footage of this is awesome as he's below filming, too): ... Chutes.MOV

Face shots were had, and many times.
I know Dylan has some great shots and video of some face shots. One was
of Dave dropping into this small gully and he went snorkeling.

Hit the Hazelton trail and then the chutes. The sun was out for this run.

After the mellow powder cruising of the upper part, both chutes were
untracked. Dylan and Dave took the first one and Andy and I took the
second one (pictured here):

Dylan has the pictures from the skiing in here but it was classic east
coast birch chutes with a nice sunny exposure. Deep and a little heavier
than the rest of the mountain. Still, the sun doesn't do much in January
when its 18F out.

Then we skied some runs off the gondi in the Outter Planets region.
Here's a video clip of Andy skiing a nice, fluffy line: ... %20Run.MOV

A little lower, while trying to find the right line to a zone we wanted to
hit, Dylan stand ready to thread the needle.

Then threads it. ... %20Run.MOV

Dave hit a tree in some thin cover at the bottom of the Outter Planets and
was in a lot of pain. He's still having trouble walking but there's
nothing like hearing your ski buddy, who is 10x tougher than you, yell in
pain after hauling ssa into a tree. He traversed out and his day was done
but at least it was around 2pm. We skied two more runs and then called it
quits, totally exhausted and soaking wet from being choked with snow.

All in all, by far the best day of the year and top 5 I've ever skied at
Stowe. Too bad it had to end on a low note but nothing could take away
from the face shots had. One great day to witness the wonders of upslope

Tuesdays storm is looking pretty freakin' nice right now. I'll be writing
my FTO column now and including a lengthy part on the east coast regional
forecast. I'll post a link later.

Get out and ski some powder.

powderfreak":f5asvjsf said:
I'm too tired right now to convert the links to photos in the text. If I get some energy later or tomorrow I'll do it.

Your friendly neighborhood admin just did it for you. :wink:
Thanks friendly Admin :D I was just coming back to do that after getting the column up. You know its a good day when your legs are stiff even when in mid-season form...
nice report! that first shot mid-air is most excellent. enjoy that college priced stowe pass while you can! seriously wish i could afford to spend some more time over there.
Thanks for the update - will be at Stowe all next week - last Sunday I was pretty depressed reading about warm weather and rain - your report and pictures will make the 14hr drive much shorter.....

All - Stowe is the best deal $$ in NE ... here is what we have done the past 3 years...

2 adults - 3 kids

Buy a week timeshare off Ebay at the Von Trapp Lodge (7 days)
$ 850 this year ($600 last year)
Buy 4 - 6 day adult tickets 14 days in advance 20% discount - $1050
Rcx 3 rentals and 1 lift ticket from the Stowe VRP

Hard to believe that the best skiing and best prices are at the same place - we have freinds who fly to CO - they pay more in airline tickets than we do in total - spend the extra on great drink and food

BTW - check out the Sugarloaf snow report - half the trails still closed
All - Stowe is the best deal $$ in NE ... here is what we have done the past 3 years...
no offense, but you really haven't done your research if you believe for a second that stowe is the best deal in new england. your prices quoted add up to $1900 just for lift tickets and lodging not counting travel expenses and food :o :o :o there are a LOT of ski areas in new england that are really good ski areas that you could obtain the same package at least 25% less, some probably half as much (though slightly less quality). i mean, yea, you get what you pay for at stowe and they have great terrain and lifts and all that... but best deal in new england? not by a long shot.
yo rivercoil ---

I got 6 - 6 day lift tickets for 1050 - that averages to $35/day pp + 3 - 6 day rentals which is worth ... $450

Show me one Eastern resort of note that you can average $35/day to ski - Maybe Blue Hills....

Stowe report

Sunday -- Good day - temps around 32 - trails started frozen gran - loosened up considerably by days end - started snowing at 3:00pm -- rcx about 3in - no lines all day

Monday - 32-36 degrees - fogiest day ever skied - could see about 100' - terrain park was unusable - no visablity - 3 in of new snow had turned into mashed potatoes - like a spring ski day -- maybe 500 people on the mountain - bare spots appearing especially on trails with no snowmaking

Hopefully colder temps enable snowmaking rest of week....
river is speculative because what you are saying makes no sense.. u just said you bought 6- 6 day tickets for 1050....that's 36 days of skiing- that's 175 for one adult 6 consecutive day ticket... stowe has a 6 day ticket on the web site for 330... u say you get 20% off for buying 14 days out ( a suckers move and a dumb move) that brings it down to around 260...where are you coming up with these numbers... river is right.. stowe is great, but the best value? r u kidding me. if u are getting this on some insiders deal that's different, but your numbers don't seem to be available to the public in general.....perhaps u skied the goat and conked ur noggin :roll:
Show me one Eastern resort of note that you can average $35/day to ski - Maybe Blue Hills....
i think if you look around new england and called up some places, you might find equal or better packages for most of the larger new england resorts. i don't disagree that the package you got for a week at stowe for 6 people is really good. it is. but it's not the best value and there are cheaper to be had for other great mountains. and i ain't talking no big blue either.