Springtime in January. While temps got well up into the 40s over the weekend, the base at Stowe is holding up well. <BR> <BR>On Saturday, it remained cloudy following several inches of fresh. Good fresh lines were still to be found in some of the stashes under the chin. The r*** received Wed. night and the warmth this weekend will help to build a solid base once it freezes up. Top that with a good storm or two, and things should be excellent. Bumps on Chin Clip on Saturday were round and in an absolutely perfect line. <BR> <BR>Sunday was warm & sunny. Ditto for Monday, with some high clouds at times. Nosedive on a first run was bulletproof in the upper turns but nicely groomed down low. I was destined to cruise for a few hours in the a.m., so I spent most time on the gondi where things graduated from perfect cord up high, to slushy small balls of snow down low. Bumps on lower National, one of my few departures from the groomed on Monday, were a delight.