Stowe, VT 2/27/00


New member
<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/28/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>OK, so when all is said and done, I did have a decent ski day. I've quit my crying and am learning to accept the cards I have been dealt. <BR> <BR>It was a Front Four kinda day. I skied more on trail terrain than I have in a long time: National to Liftline, National to Starr, National to National. Needless to say, upper National was in rare condition: I saw mountain manager Rod at the end of the day and prevailed upon him to never blow snow on upper National again. He hasn't blown snow there all season, and it has paid off with consistently good bumps and snow. Even Middle National was fun. Nosedive was good, Slalom Glade was good, even the little bit of Hayride I saw on first run was good. I even found a new patch of obvious trees (or rather, the spaces between them) that I have previously overlooked. <BR> <BR>The only thing that wasn't so good was the Bruce. Plenty of snow, but not real consolidated. I plowed through it OK on the midphats, but it was not the luxurious treat-of-the-day I have enjoyed on every other trip down it I have made this season. Bumper Ghrill enjoyed the scenery, but found it kind of tough going on her old skinny 200cm Volkl Targas. She much preferred Starr. <BR> <BR>The mountain was surprisingly uncrowded today. Lots of locals in evidence. <BR> <BR>I just looked at the 4:04 PM State Forecast. I dunno what to expect as far as snow conditions go for the rest of the week. Certainly no powder days ahead. Maybe some more spring days, maybe icy death chutes. I gotta make some plans, but I don't know what to base them on. <BR> <BR>Oh, Woe is Me.