The morning was cold, very cold. I went for a gondi run around 8:30 hoping for some good carving snow. The snow was good for carving, but if I went at carving speed any exposed flesh started tingling. So, I eased my way down and back to the shuttle bus to Spruce. <BR> <BR>I made a Big Spruce run around noon. Not as cold, thankfully. Went down Sterling and the snow was very nice. I tried my usual route across cutacross #2 to get back to the Spruce lodge and ran across ungroomed surfaces - calling them snow would be misleading. Very thick, unbreakable crust. A few times I got caught in snowboarder tracks that were laid down prior to the freeze - and there was no way out of those tracks other than jumping out of them, which caused a few interesting, and painful, falls. Once I realized that the horse barn pitch (at least I think that's what it's called) was also not groomed, and there was no way I was about to go down it with that crust, I walked out and up to Side Street which was groomed. Groomed stuff was good, ungroomed was lethal, even on my tank of a board. <BR> <BR>It was a day that epitomized the saying "the conditions sucked, the skiing/riding was great."