They started out running the FourRunner quad and shut it down about 10:15 AM due to loss of cover around the unloading ramp and started to run the Lookout double. About a 4 minute longer lift ride for almost the same vertical. The only trail really lost when they closed was Nosedive which was bare at the entry and was flat with mini-suncups for most of it. <BR> <BR>The only consistent good coverage was down Lord to North Slope. There are Lots of places on the mountain where the cover necks down to a 1 to 4 foot wide swath for a 10 to 50 foot distance along the trail. Hayride required some walking as did Centerline. <BR> <BR>Liftline to National was okay - bumps weren't too big. A little dirt to cross to get back to the lift at the bottom traverse. <BR> <BR>There are probably 5 or 6 ways to get down, but people seemed to be mostly on either Lord/North Slope or Liftline/National. <BR> <BR>The 1-plankas and freeriders have a big half pipe near the bottom of North Slope to play with. <BR> <BR>If you want bumps, go to Superstar at Killington (my opinion).