Stowe, VT 4/8/01

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Wow! Perfect temperatures, bright blue skies, 4' of fesh powder everywhere, face shots at every turn, it was just amaz ow! <BR> <BR>Oops, sorry about that, my nose just got so long it was hitting the monitor. <BR> <BR>Folks, there's only one way to describe yesterday's conditions: they SUCKED. Pea-soup fog and frozen mashed potatoes everywhere. The kind of frozen mashed potatoes that looks like nice soft spring snow, until you ski over it and your fillings rattle loose. As the day went on, some of it turned into mostly-thawed mashed potatoes, usually interspersed randomly with good old-fashioned New England boilerplate, which of course made turns somewhat unpredictable. Oh, and did I mention pea-soup fog? The kind of pea-soup fog where you can't see the chair ahead of you, or the summit terminal until you're almost in it? Made Gondolier interesting, what with 30 people howling down it and unable to see each other, or the lift towers for that matter. <BR> <BR>Highlight, or should I say lowlight, of the day was a poach of Chin Clip. Well... turns out it was closed for a good reason, that being that it was thoroughly bumped up and frozen completely solid. In an excellent demonstration of the psychological phenomenon known as "mass insanity", most of us stayed on it all the way down rather than bailing at the first opportunity. I think it may well have been the worst run I have ever had in my almost 30 years of skiing. =:-O