Thursday, Jan. 16 <BR>I pulled into a deserted Sunbowl parking lot @ 8:30 and was amazed to see nobody there. It was very cold and windy, perfect I thought. Fired all of my cold weather gear on and headed to the top. There were several inches of fresh snow to top dress everything. Straight to the top and heading for Kidderbrook Ravine. Awesome!!! After Diamonds in the Rough and Moondance, which are also glade trails, I headed off in search of some deeper snow. Upper Standard on the bump side going down was the best of the year. Several times I was up to my knees in soft fluffy powder. I moved over one more trail north to Upper Spruce, a double black jobby and the I found fluff on the left side up to mid thigh!!!! The wind was moving all of the snow across the trails and depositing it on the left side. I did Upper Spruce like 4 burns in a row and my tracks from the previous run would be gone. Bear Down was very good as was Upper Tamarack and Upper Middlebrook. My favorite glade is Vertigo although to get back to the Sunbowl from there is a flat track.