<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 1/30/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Took 35 high school kids for our annual bus trip to Stratton on Saturday. Conditions were generally very good. Wind scoured some of the exposed ridge tops and skier traffic worked to expose some hard pack late in the day, but all in all the mountain held its shape with groomed powder plentiful. For a generally cruiser type mountain Stratton has some enjoyable pitches and the woods stuff provides some good diversions away from the groomed. Woods trails were best high on the mountain with ample coverage. Lower glades were a bit sticky with a breakable crust underneath that grabbed a bit. Lift lines were somewhat long during the middle of the day, though the gondola wait was only moderate. Kidderbrook, perhaps the longest slowest lift in VT had no lines, however. Stratton has to replace that lift with a high speed. People just don't bother to ride it more than once. Even though the terrain it services is very good. The new six pack Urssa lift gives a quick return to the summit, but it attracts long lines. Snow making and grooming have improved since Intrawest took over, and a full time patroller, that we talked to, felt that they were a good company to work for. They kept the lifts open for an extra 15 minutes because it was a crowded day. (Nice touch, I thought.) <BR> <BR>Stratton has greatly improved its group skiing procedures in the past two years. They base everything in the Sun Bowl area now and run a very convenient group operation. All 35 kids returned to the bus tired and quiet, allowing for a peaceful ride home. <BR> <BR>Great Day.