I gotta say the last three days have been something. there has been at least 20" of snow here. Yesterday was primo, but today, ahhhhh. Got to the mt a bit late and there was practically no one there. A lot of the trails were windscoured, so the challenge was to find the snow. Bravo had waist deep fluff on the left side, the headwall was really deep, but was getting scraped off real quick. I was in the first chair goin up the summit, and FIS was closed, oh well had to settle for waist deep drifts on the lumbar line down the mist. By the next run I had first public tracks on FIS after about 6 patrol checked it out. I must say that in 25 years of skiing that slope, it was the best I had ever seen it. It had been closed for the last week or so, never opened yesterday, was flat underneath, as if you could feel it. I jumped in off the cornice on the top(that's right), about three feet down, and just flew down. Incredible. face shots every turn, light fluff, incedible. got three more in before it was chewed. More untracked on Spin out, and left. The woods are deep, we got snow,and who needs UTAH?