Sugarbush was a trifle cool on 1/11, but there was 4 to 6 inches of fresh snow on Saturday AM to sweeten things up. The cold snap had firmed up the groomed and ungroomed snow a bit, but conditions were good. <BR> <BR>Sugrabush was 100% open and is still making snow on selected trails like Down Spout, Stien's Run, Upper FIS, Brambles and Spring Fling. Shock of shocks, but Middle Earth at Castle Rock had been groomed on 1/12. It was fun skiing the trail groomed, but I missed the bumps. <BR> <BR>Not many people were skiing this weekend despite the good conditions the only lift lines I saw was on the Gate House Quad and of course Castle Rock, everything else was ski on. <BR> <BR>Spillsville, Exterminator, Upper FIS, Tumbler, Hammerhead, Bravo, Mall and Morning Star had great snow and bumps. Stien's Run has a few bumps at the top, but was mainly ungroomed snow making whales. Run of the weekend was Upper FIS to Lower FIS great snow top to bottom made the slog out worth it.