<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/26/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>What a way to begin a potential 9 day vacation. <BR> <BR>Arrived at SBN. Rode Inverness lift. Skied some soft snow down to Northridge Express. Rode up, stuff wasn't so soft any more. Freezing rain falling. Skied down icy groomer to summit lift. Skied down icing crust on soft slush bumps -- challenging, but not necessarily fun. Continued on down Lower FIS. This was more fun, for me at least. Jumpin' Jimmy might have his own ideas. <BR> <BR>Rode up GM quad. By this time, all the upper mountain was closed. Rode Slidebrook to South. Skied to gate house. Rode all the way to top of North lynx. Skied down to Castlerock. Castlerock was closed. Skied down to Sugar Bravo. Rode up. By this time, freezing rain was turning to frozen rain. Skied down Moonshine, soft bumps. Rode up Mall lift, skied down the thing that crosses Moonshine. Icy ugly bumps. Rode up Sugar Bravo, skied Downspout to Heaven's Gate. Got last ride up heave's Gate before that closed. Skied Jester -- only thing open -- from top. Fast, a bit icy, but fun. Nonstop down a bunch of cruiser stuff to bottom. did a couple more nondescript runs off sugar bravo. Took bus back to North. Went home. <BR> <BR>Cold, wet, foggy, icy. Every time of precipitation but snow. <BR>Temperature at top of Heaven's gate: 22 degrees. I guess this is a good thing. temp at base of Sugar Bravo: 32 degrees. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. <BR> <BR>Jimmy said that when the day looks bad when you leave in the morning, nine times out of ten it turns out to be good. This was that 1 out of 10 day. How quickly we forget the awesome powder days of the recent past. Don't cry for me, Argentina. <BR> <BR>Cancel your Vermont vacations. Buy tickets to Whistler or something.