Sugarloaf 12/24/2000


New member
I think it must have been pretty windy on Saturday because there was lots of wind-blasted hardpack everywhere on Sunday, however there was nice untracked powder on Upper Lancer and West Mountain and the traverse back on W. Mountain X-Cut was filled in nicely -- plus some kind soul with a snowmobile had packed a track on the X-Cut, so not much skating was required. Free heels are still highly recommended and it would suck on a snowboard. <BR> <BR>So quiet and peaceful over there. <BR> <BR>At the other boundary, Ripcord had about 1" of manmade blow over from Haulback that "destroyed" the snow over there until it was skied up later in the afternoon. Late in the day it was real nice over there, especially lower down where the snow was all natural, deep and soft. Why the "reserved" ropes? The cover is great over there. <BR> <BR>Fred's Pitch and the woods in general still need more snow. So soft in there though!!! More snow should arrive in bulk by Saturday, special delivery from the Gulfs of Mexico and Maine.