Hit Sugarloaf yesterday. Temps in the 50's. Brilliant sun. Sorry, no pix this time. <BR> <BR>Booted up the 2800 feet of vertical in around 3 hours. The last 1500 feet was on the consolidated remains of last weekends dump. It has settled into a nice firm base of between 1 and 2 feet. When Sugarloaf finally opens they'll be able to expand their open terrain quickly on the upper mountain. <BR> <BR>Absolutely no wind on the summit, sunny, maybe 45 degrees. <BR> <BR>The wind had scraped the summit clean of snow. I skied from about 200' below the summit and descended Tote Road about 1000' on beautiful not-quite-corn. The next 500 feet was progressively heavier and thinner. Took the skis off just above the "steep" part of Tote Road. By there the snow was getting thin and mushy and there were rocks were lurking just below the surface -- I figured I'd probably hit them if I tried to make turns down that part. <BR> <BR>I saw one telemark grrrl, one guy on alpine equipment, and half a dozen snowboarders. Only one of the snowboarders made it to the summit, the rest built a kicker (with requisite flat landing) lower on the mountain. <BR> <BR>I had the only tracks today on Tote Road, there were 2 snowboard tracks on it that looked a couple days old. <BR> <BR>Didn't hit a single rock. <BR> <BR>Start the damn lifts already!