Summit at Snoqualmie Pass, WA

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1/6/03 - <BR>Weather = Sunny/warm in sun, cool in shade. (35 deg) <BR>Snow was hard in the shade, softer in the sun. A few rocks are out. <BR>Like yesterday, only groomed slopes were doable, the ungroomed spots were nasty. <BR>No crowd at all, was skied right onto the lifts. <BR>Silver Fir at Central was the lift I cycled from open till noon. <BR>Kerry. <BR> <BR>1/5/03 - <BR>Skied Summit West (yes, the easy hill - see sig for why) Sunday. <BR>Partly cloudy, Air temp at 35, snow temp right at 32. <BR>It had rained Saturday, so snow was very firm on the groomed making for loud turns. <BR>It started to soften up a little around 11, but was still pretty firm when we left at 2. <BR>Off-piste was skanky - 1" raincrust over 6-8 inches rain soaked softer stuff making it basicly impossible to turn in, so the groomers were the rule of the day. <BR>Snow cover was good except for the inrun to PC at the top of Pacific Crest which started showing some rocks as it got scraped off (PC was the busiest chair). only the groomers off of T-Bird were open, still not enough snow to have Wildside or the Beav open. Crossover to Central was closed due to low snow. <BR> <BR>They started loading Paciic Crest chair at 8:45 so we got a 15 minute early start on the day. <BR>All chairs except for Easy Rider were running. <BR>Lift line crowd was surprisingly light considering how full the parking lots were. Longest chair wait was 3 minutes tops. <BR> <BR>could see that Alpental upper chair was running. Must have been nasty if that altitude had suffered the same rain as Wets. <BR>TomK, Kerry, & Justin the newby 2nd seasoner.
Night skied for a few hours at Central (The only hill open this Eve). <BR>Weather was clear skys above, foggy at the top 1/3rd of the hill, clear below. <BR>The snow is really getting abused in spots with rocks starting to come out. <BR>Found both scraped hardpack & scraping sugar within a few feet of each other. Off-piste was the same raincrusted unskiable junk it will be untill more snow falls. <BR>Crowd was very light with the longest wait at the CE chair being for 5 chairloads. <BR>TomK, Kerry, & Eric - Skis all.
01/14/2003 Tuesday night at Alpental... Rock hard ice. (JSW - Boarding) <BR> <BR>01/13/02 Skied at Central for a few hours on Monday afternoon. We cycled Silver Fir chair till it closed at 3:30. It was foggy from top to bottom, vis at 25-50 meters, but not blindingly dense. Temp was mild, mid-30's. No precipitation. Snow was good cover (the 14" Saturday night sure helped), groomers were in fine shape, off piste was a 1/4" rain crust over heavy. Crowd? - what crowd, as is typical for Mondays at S.F., we skied right onto the lift.