Sundance, UT 01/11/16


Staff member
Heading south from Salt Lake on I-15 is an uninspiring way to start a ski day -- you drive for dozens of miles surrounded by a hideous strip-mall landscape, then you turn left and enter gorgeous Provo Canyon (watch out for all the radar gun-wielding troopers) and turn into an unassuming access road:

Within two miles, you arrive at the most scenic and intimate of the northern Utah ski areas: Sundance:

Ray's Lift framed by Mount Timpanogos:

While the ski area claims 2,150 vertical feet, it's not continuous. Still, there are many short but often decently steep shots. This is Upper Bishops Bowl:

Lower Bishops Bowl:

According to Admin, Sundance got more early-season snow than the more northern UT areas, so they have a big base, but it didn't look like much snow had fallen in the last five days or so. I was able to find a few hidden spots where I could connect five or so untracked turns, but most of it was soft, dry chop:

Similar to Snowbasin, there are a number of beautiful natural halfpipes:

While standing at the top of Redfinger Ridge, I thought back to my previous visit to Sundance, ten years ago to the week -- and virtually nothing has changed there since then.

Redfinger Ridge:
Admin":gdq506i1 said:
It's not Ray's Lift that's going to be replaced, it's Arrowhead
Thanks for the correction. Similar to Solitude, both summit lifts were/are decades old and needed to be replaced, but I wonder how things will pan out on busy days with the increased uphill capacity and limited terrain options for their predominantly family-oriented clientele.