Taos should change it's opening and closing dates!


New member
Taos is at a high altitude, and in my humble opinion, since basebuilding to cover all runs takes a long time, and once covered should have good preservation thanks to taos's 9000+ base elevation, closing the first weekend of April (with 2006 being the execption) is just ridiculous. Typical Taos dates may look like this : November 25, 2004-April 3rd, 2005, however I think that given the climate, Taos would have more runs open on average if the season looked more like this : December 19, 2004-May 30, 2005. Wouldn't that be better if Taos opened in mid December and closed in late may?
Taos is rockier and more technical then Telluride.

I have skied them both a lot. Taos ALWAYS is a poor choice at the same base as Telluride. They need 70-80 for expert bumps, terrain to be skiable without rocks. Telluride can get by on 60.

Taos season. Feb 1 - April 1. The SW heats up.
I agree with ChrisC. Taos does heat up in a big way during March. I was there at that time a while back, and even though their base was solid, the steep face that is positioned towards the main base area seemed to get really mushy and even a bit thin by mid-late March. Any later operation past April would be terrain limited in most years.
There's not a lot of water content in that snow, and it probably wouldn't last until May 30. But first weekend of April is too early. Last weekend of April would be better at Taos than Christmas about 75% of the time.

Telluride and Crested Butte also close first weekend in April with I'm sure much deeper coverage than Christmas most of the time.

All of these places are so far away from population centers that they close when the destination business falls off. You would think that the spring breaks tied to Easter would still be generating business, but I guess not enough.