My Telluride trees - kiss of god's this week.
I know you're a local, but where is this great tree skiing? Chair 6 is spaced fairly well, but the most open parts have sunny exposure. The nice long fall lines on chair 9? Those trees look pretty tight to me and would require extreme rabbit warren skills, sort of like chair 10 at Vail. Several Sierra areas have way better tree skiing than Telluride IMHO. Not to mention Steamboat, the Kootenays, etc.
Tony - Telluride is closer to Alta/Bird than Taos. Crested Butte is closer to Vail than Telluride.
Yes, if you're a bird. I tried to keep my regional groupings to a manageable level (8 groups). I admit the northern Rockies groups (both U.S. and Canada) contain disparate climate zones. But the S&W Colorado group is quite homogeneous in terms of climate/topography. Nearly all get 250-300 inches of 6-8% snow per season, struggle to get their steeps covered, are at their best in late season and have notorious unstable backcountry snowpack. The San Juans are the poster child for the latter phenomenon.
Telluride is closer to Alta/Bird than Taos.
Telluride 277, Taos 263, Snowbird 463. :snowball fight:
Crested Butte is closer to Vail than Telluride.
Crested Butte 250, Telluride 277, Vail 359. :snowball fight:
Telluride had much better snow/snowfall than Alta, Snowbird (and everywhere else in Utah) this Christmas.
Dec. 1-15: Alta 40, Snowbird 32, Telluride 35
Dec. 16-22: Alta 32, Snowbird 33, Telluride 38
Dec. 23-31: Alta 44, Snowbird 38, Telluride 26
Looks pretty close to me. Average snow at AltaBird = Huge snow in most Colorado areas.
AltaBird was 65% of normal for November/December 2002. Telluride was about average. Actual snowfall was about the same. I have no doubt Telluride skied better because Snowbird in particular needs more coverage than Telluride. But if both areas are the same percent of normal snowfall at Christmas, we all know who will have a deeper base and more terrain open.
As of January 7, 2009 Telluride was at 179% of average snowfall, yet today it's still only 83% open. ... =statelist. Yes, I know it's snow stability, but AltaBird has gotten through its December stability problems and everything is open now.
As a ski area Telluride has steadily improved over the years. During my first visit in 1992 it was often considered a "3 day area" due to awkward layout and disconnected sectors. The Prospect Bowl expansion tied the area together and made it flow much better. But some like Adam still would say, "Why are we skiing down here instead of up there?" Resolution is a nice first step above treeline, but the lift served alpine still pales beside Mammoth, Whistler, AltaBird, Squaw, Jackson. Unless you're a local who wants to hike over an hour to Palmyra at 13,000+.