<I>(Note from the Administrator: This report was originally posted on 2/7/00. Due to our move to new servers, the date and time attributed to this post is incorrect.)</I> <BR> <BR>Seventy years from now when every lift resembles a big vacumn tube similar to the thing at my bank's drive through window, my son will be able to tell his grandkids that he and his old man used a *rope* to get up the hill. No platters, handles, or magic carpets, just a dirty old rope running over wooden wire spools with half inch grooves worn in them. And oh yeah, he'll say, what a bear that dang thing was because I was only four years old. <BR> <BR>Jake and I went to Temple mountain in S. Central NH Sat. for a $2.00 rope tow testo-fest. We skied the Mighty Dog run, which rises 15-20' from its base and measures about 200' in length. We found the packed powder snow conditions quite excellent, but unfortunately they slowed us to a stopping point well before the terminus of the rope. At this point, young Jedi suprises Dad for the first time this day by skating (not shuffling, but actual bonifide, look like a pro skating) the remaining 50 feet to the end of the tow. Again, I scratch my head and wonder if I need to monitor my wife's comings and goings a little more carefully. Someone is teaching this kid how to ski but it ain't me. <BR> <BR>We continue going up and down the tow for a couple of hours whereupon Sprout announces that he is going to ride the tow alone from now on. Dad recoils in fear, knowing that this is the moment of separation from which there is no return. I flash forward a few years and envision being permanantly exiled to the lodge fireplace while my teenage son rips the pow without me. ("I'd like to take you with me Dad, but you slow me down and the girls don't think your funny.") A couple of runs later, while sitting on my butt watching Rad Dude repeatedly get in line and motor up the tow with nary a hitch, I flash forward to me in the bar enjoying a toddy while regaling the bar mistress with tales of my skiing past. Hmmm...this independence thing has possibilities. <BR> <BR>In general, Temple is a good little hill with 600' of decent intermediate-level vertical. They had a good day crowd-wise, but they better do something with the physical plant real quick or they'll be back in bankruptcy quicker than you can say "Why ain't the quad to the top running on the busiest day of the year?" I heard a good number of complaints about this from the season pass holders in the rope tow shack (err, lodge).