The steady stream of skier traffic up I-93 kept heading north as I pulled off onto the Tenney Mountain Hwy. As I drove down the empty road toward the mountain, I started chuckling at the thought of all those people crammed onto Loon or Waterville. <BR>At 9am sharp, I pulled into a practically empty parking lot at the base of Tenney's Hornet Double. Beautiful sunny skies, tons of snow, and NO CROWDS! What a great day! <BR>Tenney is a funky place. There is no real "order" to their trail system. Tons of trails shooting off in one direction or the other, only to meet up a little later and so on. I don't think we came down the same way twice the whole day! <BR>Snow was rock hard from 9-10, but after it warmed up a bit, the snow softened up nicely. Took a few bump runs (Scamper and Roller Coaster), but unfortunately, the bumps didnt soften up too much. My knees were not thanking me after those runs! Spent most of the day on Tenney's blue cruisers, where we enjoyed nice soft snow (a bit slushy toward the bottom, but perfect, for me anyway, at the top!) Runs of the day were on Venus Fly Trap (a nice cruiser) and Tote Road (a fun, narrow, twisty trail). Did I mention there was practically no-one there??? 3 minute lift line at it's longest. <BR>If you like skiing smaller, lesser known areas, check out Tenney. Nothing too challenging for the advanced skier, but is a great place for cruising and a fun time none-the-less!