The Canyons, 3-8-01

John Cotton

New member
We had a few free tickets to The Canyons so decided to drive over and check it out. Its a pain to get to the base from the lot - shuttle to transfer lift to walk through village to gondola base to red pine lodge 8000 feet up. <BR> <BR>Canyons is lacking serious snow - it seemed like we were skiing on a manmade base since most of the trails were hardpack and grabby. There is no snow on Chutes 1-7. The snow on thunder/lightning is melting fast - these trails had the best snow - exposed to sun to soften. <BR> <BR>9990 wasn't bad either - soft bumps on 94 turns other side had poor snow - hard. <BR> <BR>The middle areas of the hill (9990, tombstone) had the best trails - would be good on a good snow day.