Tony Crocker":39k0di5z said:
Mike Bernstein":39k0di5z said:
It also makes Park City a more attractive lodging base.
I disagree. This is not going to change the decision making process of anyone who strongly prefers the Cottonwoods to Park City. This is an attempt by The Canyons to elevate its current distant 3rd place status (revenue in terms of both lodging and ticket sales) among the Park City areas.
But look at the words you've chosen. "...anyone who strongly prefers the Cottonwoods to Park City".
Those people aren't going to ski the PC resorts in any event - by definition, PC was never a consideration. But there is a very large segment of people who don't have a strong preference, either due to lack of familiarity/knowledge, or b/c of different preferences/priorities in the group. Think about all the people who stay in the SLC area b/c they don't want to commit to one specific area. How about all of the people taking the van between Parley's Canyon and BCC/LCC. How about all the people who never even leave the PC area b/c the perceived barriers to exploring further afield (knowledge, hassle, ability level) are too great?
Do I think this is some paradigm shifting lift? No, but it will have a much more meaningful impact than you're giving it credit for.
Also flyover's point:
then take 4 (or would it be 5?) lifts to arrive at Solitude's base, delaying the start of the skiing day by however long it takes to ride all of those lifts.
Not to mention 2 or 3 lifts to get back to The Canyons' base at the end of the day. How many hours are these people actually going to be skiing at Solitude?
You're probably looking at 60-90 minutes from base to base. Doesn't save you any time vs. the van/shuttle, but you don't have to worry about traffic/road conditions, you get to keep your skis on, you avoid a cramped, sweaty van, and you actually get to do some skiing along the way b/c of how The Canyons is currently laid out (stupid as that may be).
On the way back, until they come to their sense and install a transfer lift from the bottom of Tombstone directly to the current base, you'd need to take two lifts on The Canyons side. But again you're getting to ski 3000' plus of vert on the way down and it's no different than if you had been on the S/E side of that resort to begin with.
The most likely comp for this lift, IMO, would be the Slidebrook Express at SB. Similar length and purpose. It will likely face similar operational issues due to safety/evac requirements but there are three big differences.
1) The resorts the lift connects are much further apart than SB South and North (45-60 mins vs. 10 minutes)
2) The resorts on either end each see more skier visits than all of SB combined
3) The resorts/market directly adjacent to the ski areas on either end (MRG for SB vs. PCMR, DV and Brighton) is orders of magnitude larger in Utah
Ultimately, due to the topography and associatedlift systems on the PC side, it's going to take at least two lifts from town and possibly more (depending on starting point) to access any sort of conveyance into BCC. In a world in which road/tunnel access between the two is a pipedream, I think this option (or some variant therein) makes the most sense from an environmental, political and financial perspective.