Tuckerman Ravine, NH 5/11/02


New member
pics from our trip can be found at: <BR> <BR>www.iadvance.com/washington <BR> <BR>pics will be rotated by this afternoon... <BR> <BR>Left Pinkham Notch at 9am. 35 and p cloudy with crazy winds at the notch. Was nippy in t-shirt and shorts but knew it would warm up on the hike... Was actually flurrying for the first half of the hike... Snowline started about the 2nd bridge... Hojos was clear of snow. Up at hojos cover looked great above. Definitely more cover than this time last year... the loaded snow base was in good shape from the previous weeks snows... Dodges looked do-able, even the little sliver of the chute to the hikers left of dodges had snow (anyone know the name of this run or if it has been skied?) anyway dodge will be good for another week... Hillmans had great cover good for another 2 weeks full run 3+ weeks partial, dutchess maybe could have been done though the middle looked pretty sketchy... Up in the bowl the right side of the headwall and lip were crevassed severely... hiked up right gully to the summit. Upper snowfields had tons of cover, could ski 300 feet below summit to base of ravine with only a scary as hell traverse on the lip to the two or three openings in chute variations down to the base of the ravine... To date the steepest run I have had at tucks was right entrance on upper left gully which was no prob, however this part of the lip definitely gut checked me...just as steep as left gully headwall but about 500 feet longer. with the headwall cliffs totally exposed below me it was fall and die or at the very least fall and wish you were dead... <BR>anyway the lip has a couple of weeks left the chute variations past the headwall probably only one more week though left gully looked superb, at least 2-3 weeks left. anything right of chute variations is toast except for right gully which is only half skiable but cover is good (great for morning sun on a warm up run) happy to enjoy another safe trip to the ravine, hope all is well with the tuckerman faithful... <BR> <BR>Peace, <BR>Targhee