Vail Resorts shareholders are upset. Has Vail ruined skiing?

I was telling Tony about this, he didn't seem to know.
Vail Resorts shareholders are upset

I thought this video is accurate.
Has Vail ruined skiing?

Last week a senior was run over by another skier at Vail. The senior suffered a broken femur. Apparently had not a young skier stopped to help them (it was a hit and run) they might have bled to death. BTW. Vail keeps the collision data quiet. It's way worse then people are aware of. Groomers at Vail are the most dangerous runs on the mountain.

Fridays at Vail are untenable. Weekends are unbearable. I simply will not go on a Friday or the weekend, no matter how good it is. The militant bro vibe there is prevalent. Starting to see lines at the Beav now.

There's no doubt about it, Vail's terrain is great. They'll spread some of my ashes in the back.

But there's also a strong case to be made that Vail Resorts is all that's wrong with skiing.

It's my hope that more ski patrollers strike next year. Along with food service, ski instructors and lifties.

What say you?
@Harvey's forum has a four-year-old thread with 2,000+ posts. A fair amount of it is about how Vail has continued the time-honored tradition of gutting east-coast properties and sending the money west, but lots of gripes about the I-70 mothership too.

Question for those who ski Tahoe. Is there a noticeable difference in lift lines Fri, Sat, Sun between Ikon and Epic resorts? I haven't skied Tahoe mid-season since 2010.

I have some sense of the differences between the Epic and Ikon resorts in terms of lift lines or crowded groomers in Colorado based on recent personal experience. Although that doesn't include any holidays periods or Saturdays.

There are people who don't understand that the operations model between Vail Resorts and Alterra are different. Or that Ikon isn't all Alterra resorts. So when there is an anti-Vail/Epic video that makes the rounds, the assumption becomes that Alterra resorts have the same issues.

A big difference is that Ikon limits the number of days at Partners and even a few Alterra resorts, while Epic has far more unrestricted options for destination resorts.