VT trip suggestions (eatting establishments, etc).


New member
taking my vacation from work last week in february and into first week of march. my plan is... well.. the plan is there is no plan!!! basically, i'm packing up the car, driving to VT, and skiing route 100 for a week. no plans or anything. staying at hostels and ski bunks, and skiing a lot! <BR> <BR>i'll most likely be skiing places like magic, mrg, the bush', and jay. i'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on interesting places to go where the locals hang out. escpecially in the mad river valley area where i plan on spending most of my trip. <BR> <BR>gee wiz, that's probably privlidged info, huh? well, i'm just looking for 'real' places to hang out at night, or for breakfast in the morning, NOTHING resorty or anything. looking to find those quiet down to earth hole in the wall places where the locals go to enjoy a brew and relax. i really would like to get a flavor of the local people and area. nothing expensive either, cheap places with LOTS of character. <BR> <BR>thanks for any suggestions. if there are any other recommendations for detours you might have, they'd be appreciated. again, not looking for 'tourist' stuff, looking to get a feel of the character of the state and it's people. i haven't spent much time skiing VT, but i am considering moving into either NH or VT, and am always looking for a place i could call home, thanks.