Wasatch Ski Descents

Sharon":1bfzwc40 said:
Jacked this one from TGR
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&ms ... eef68e1c88

I know some of you have seen it.

Very impressive.

I can do better than that -- three dimensions instead of two -- from our own website. Visit http://www.utahskiandsnowboard.com/index.php?name=Downloads&req=viewdownload&cid=2 and select "Little Cottonwood Canyon Backcountry Skiing for Google Earth".

Sharon":1bfzwc40 said:
Makes me wonder why Admin can't put the links into his Map.

I already told you: time. Are you volunteering?
Sharon":2wublwzo said:
Sure, I'll volunteer. It's pretty easy and mindless work...my favorite.

"Ooooh! Hey, Jonah -- I hooked myself a big one!"

I'll send details via email sometime today. Thanks!!
You know that I enjoy contributing to this site. I realize it is a lot of work for you and I'd be happy to help you out.

Then, in the future, if I need something from you...I've got some credit built in :mrgreen: