WaWa - FIRST BLOOD !! (Wachusett, MA 11/23/2000)

Mark Renson

New member
It's Thanksgiving and I gotta' see Mommy & Daddy BUT not before I earned some turns at Mt Wachusett. Incidentally, they were also my first turns of the year !!! <BR>I got up before 5AM and arrived at Wachusett at 6:00. Snow guns were blowing on Conifer, Indian Summer and Challenger. I skinned up Challenger at sunrise and encountered snowmaking whales and rude frozen sludge with rude groomer tracks etched in it. Temps were brisk and skies were clear with great views of the rising sun, the local farms below and the might Monadnock rising from the hill of southern New Hampshire. <BR>It was difficult descending through the gommer tracks but it only made me tougher and I found nice snowmaking fluff on the whales. At the Mass Pike crossover, I could not resist getting more, so I stopped and made another ascent to the top of the upper headwall and did the good stuff, again. This time I descended through the difficult tracked frozen sludge and crossed over to Indian Summer where I finished my morning adventure. <BR>Yeah, I'd rather be ice climbing, camping or hiking today, but I have commitments. Given that, ya' gotta' ask if getting up before 5AM and making the effort to earn those turns was really worth it ...... you betcha' it was !!!