well, I've been hearing reports of snow fall as early as last week on other forums and emails i receive from some kite-boarders that i met while i was attempting the sport, snow fall in areas such as the coquihalla and even on this site i saw a post saying revelstoke got some in the past couple days. In my experience when an el nino is forecasted the beging of the season tends to get alot of snow followed by a drought for a month or two then a huge dump in remaining months expected to have snow, take the 2010 Olympics year for example i was hiking the north shore mountains a couple days before Halloween that year and continued to do so until the mountains opened two weeks early on november 14th or so.
Last year I read an article about the volcano eruption in iceland that closed all those airports, the article went on to say things that in the past that major volcanic eruptions can trigger colder winters in the years following and that is what can be expected from this most recent event, starting last year and continuing on for another two years after this one (12/13 season, 13/14 season, and 14/15 season) the 13/14 being the coldest winter since the 70's. i forget the exact details of what exactly causes the cold snap but i did notice this summer was colder and very inconsistent in temp. but i do know from studying sustainable resource management that when the earth was still in the early stages volcanic gasses helped form our atmosphere. I really could go on (kinda want to) but i know many arnt intrested in this but if youd like to know i could explain why so many volcanoes that used to be the worlds most active have suddenly fallen dormant. and how all that can relate to global warming, and thats were ill end or else ill keep rambling.