today was opening day for whistler mountain, although i got my first turns up there last weekend. i am happy to report that it was much better than i had predicted. coverage was thin in places, but you could comfortably ride down to the base of red chair (which was not so nice for much of last season).
but my biggest surprise was how pleasant the snow was in harmony bowl. there hasn't been any fresh up there in over 10 days and it has been warm but the snow has actually become dry granular and surprisingly soft.
the peak never opened today but is supposed to tomorrow and i will be there waiting when it does. we're getting a bit of snow tonight and it should make for some nice smooth riding in whistler bowl...before it becomes a mogul field.
best of all is that creekside gondola is running. i shouldn't give away the secret, but it is the best way up whistler and within walking distance of my front door. no trudging through muddy parking lots!
67cm base at mid-mountain; 10cm in the next 24hr; freezing level falling to the valley this weekend.
sorry to hear about the drought in cali. hope you guys get yours soon enough...