Whistler Video


New member
Here is a link to our video from the whistler trip this year, its large so watch 80mbs, even though its on a super fast server, it'll be your home connection slowing it down.

Whistler Video

salida":d1endvds said:
its on a super fast server, it'll be your home connection slowing it down.
Well, something's slowing down your super-fast server, for I'm maxing out at around 50 KB/sec., with typical transfer rates at around 30 KB/sec. I'm getting 400+ on other servers usually.

I tried yesterday, gave up, and am trying again currently.

Addendum: down to 5.8 KB/sec. now -- it's 15% done, but has a silly 3h46m to go!
Well done. I presume that you were one of "some dudes" referenced at the end? You guys need to learn to head for the trees on those whiteout days! :wink:

(Note: It finally finished downloading from the original URL.)
well it happened to be a really low snow year, so when you got anywhere near treeline there was not really enough snow... I am the one sporting the snorkel