<B><I>...from the "people should learn how to ski" department...</I></B> <BR> <BR>We (Jeremy, Betsy, Chris) started the day with hopes of a good ski day @ Whiteface. As we were driving, we theorized about the crowd... would there be a lot of people? Would there be few people? Did everybody ski on Sat. because of the Superbowl? <BR> <BR>Yes. No. No. <BR> <BR>We arrived @ Whiteface, with it's looming glory peaked high above us, only to land in an extremely remote parking lot. Apparently, everybody in NY decided to ski Whiteface on Sun. <BR> <BR>So, we dealt with the crowd. Managed to not have any skiis stolen today by using the "cross-confusion" method of storing skiis in the ski racks. That is, swap skiis with all your buddies and then scatter them throughout the racks! Works like a charm. <BR> <BR>After being herded through the lodge and ticket lines, we finally made our first run around 10:00am. It was OK. The trails were a little scraped off, but definetely skiiable. After a few runs like this, things turned for the worse. All of a sudden, we found ourselves playing a nice game of "dodge the beginner" on diamond runs, which in turn caused a rather severe case of "slope rage". <BR> <BR>I think "Dodge the Beginner" is becoming an olympic sport. <BR> <BR>After a number of runs being cut off by people that can't ski, we went on a quest to find places where the masses weren't. We found it. Would you believe it was the beginner area? There was nearly NOBODY skiing in the beginner slopes. Where were all the beginners? Ummm... on the diamonds! <BR> <BR>Well, at the end of a frustrating day, we overheard rumors from mountain staff that they had broken an all-time record for skier visits. Yay. <BR> <BR>I'd like to try Whiteface again, but when the herd isn't around. Perhaps mid-week. <BR> <BR>--chris