New member
Had a nice day trip to Wisp- an area I hadn't visited for quite a while. Wisp is in Western Md and receives a fair amount of natural snow on a 610' vertical. It had snowed possibly 4" at the summit when we arrived and probably received a couple more during the day. Coverage on the snowmaking trails was excellent but a couple of natural trails were closed and a couple of them were open but thin. There was quite a bit of rain the preceding couple of days. I skiied most everything on the mountain and ran into little in the way of lines. Found some nice natural on the sides of the trails but it was skied out later in the day. The ice was of the soft variety due to the thaw earlier in the week. My skis have really been grabby lately on ice- I wonder if they are too sharp at the tips and tails- any advice appreciated. They work fine when pushed hard but on the flats they demand attention or they wander and grab like crazy. <BR>Wisp overall has a respectable pitch on most trails rated expert- although they'd mostly be rated intermediate in Vermont. The lifts work well and keep traffic moving. There is too much flat at the top of the mountain but nothing to be done about that. They have some pretty neat long expansion plans but won't be able to improve on the vertical. It is Maryland after all!