Wolf Creek Development


New member
The developers behind trying to Mega Resort Wolf Creek are attempting to push forward again. There is an online petition against this that could not be any easier to use. Please get your opinion out there.
Damn it.

I never ever want to see Wolf Creek developed. I love this place with a passion. I urge everyone to do whatever it takes.

Just to clarify for anyone out of the loop, it's Red McCombs that wants to develop the village at the base of Wolf Creek, but the Pitcher family that owns the ski area.
I'm certainly scratching my head at this one. Wolf Creek is at the ends of the earth: 4 hours from anywhere. Does the ski area operator want it? My vague impression is that the ski area itself is not expandable. So the development seems questionable economically as well as the other objections posted here.
Tony Crocker":kkj9cwrw said:
I'm certainly scratching my head at this one. Wolf Creek is at the ends of the earth: 4 hours from anywhere. Does the ski area operator want it? My vague impression is that the ski area itself is not expandable. So the development seems questionable economically as well as the other objections posted here.

The ski area does not want this development and has filed suit against it. You are right that it's far away from anything, but so is Crested Butte and Telluride.
I'm with you that this area probably can't support this sort of development. If it fails, it'll just be another ugly scar (I guess it could be seen that way, either way) on the landscape.
The Pagosa Springs, CO area (Wolf Creek is 23 miles away) is growing fast with many Texas, Oklahoma retirees and 2nd home owners. The ski area is against the proposed development. The developed area would be bought up by many of the Texans who drive 10-16 hours to ski and golf.

Wolf Creek has wonderful "wilderness feel" to it. The proposed "village" would destroy that special experience.
At CB and Telluride the historic mining towns were there long before the ski areas. In Telluride's case the ski area was built to keep the town from dying.

I would suspect the second home owners would rather be based in Pagosa Springs for the summer activities. Wolf Creek is too small for the skiing to be main attraction to these people, especially with the presumed demographic.

And a high proportion of flatlanders will have serious problems sleeping at 10,000+. My son Adam (age 16 that season) had a headache all afternoon there after eating a big lunch.
Speaking of lunch... Wolf Creek has my favorite cafeteria of any ski area.


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Tony Crocker":2gne36f1 said:
I would suspect the second home owners would rather be based in Pagosa Springs for the summer activities. Wolf Creek is too small for the skiing to be main attraction to these people, especially with the presumed demographic.

And a high proportion of flatlanders will have serious problems sleeping at 10,000+. My son Adam (age 16 that season) had a headache all afternoon there after eating a big lunch.

I've been eyeing Wolf Creek & Pagosa Springs as a possible retirement spot myself. I agree that a base village at 10,300 feet is going to have huge issues attracting destination resort business from people who live at sea level. I recall Pagosa Springs is at a relatively moderate 7,300 feet so it's a much more oxygen-rich environment to sleep.

The only way that base village gets built is if there is a market for the real estate. I find it hard to believe that Wolf Creek would attract the kind of destination resort business that would pay the mortgage & condo fees on a million dollar slopeside condo.
I remember Adam and I having these huge and very tasty fresh burgers at Wolf Creek's cafeteria. The internal demand from the big meal probably tipped Adam into the altitude symptoms.

I agree with the above post that the economics don't make sense here. Hopefully McCombs will figure that out.
Has anything transpired with this situation since the comment period passed? I live in Mississippi and it's hard to find news on such. Gonna be @ Wolf Creek (with a huge base waitinig on me WOOHOO!) @ the end of the month. Hope this isn't my last trip without a city @ the base of Alberta.

The fight is still on. I believe the comment period was extended for more people to weigh in. I just spent three days in the bc there over the New Year's weekend. I just can't see a development there. It'll be a huge scar on the landscape for sure. I sure hope the good guys win this one.