Category Archives: Features

Badger Pass: Yosemite in Winter

Yosemite Valley, CA – Sometimes life is tough and duty calls. In February 2000, as part of my official duties at NASA, I attended the “Yosemite 2000” Conference on Comparative Aeronomy in the Solar System, where both the science and the recreation were excellent. Winter in Yosemite is quiet time. I have been there in September and it was … Continue reading Badger Pass: Yosemite in Winter

Voodoo on the Slopes…and Other Winter Rituals

Winter in Texas lasts about two weeks. It starts when people stop running their air conditioners. It ends roughly one week after the hard freeze that catches everyone unprepared, kills all the plants and causes 500 traffic accidents in the first hour of the morning commute. The only other winter ritual to look forward to … Continue reading Voodoo on the Slopes…and Other Winter Rituals