Category Archives: Weather

The Weather Channel to Name Winter Storms

Atlanta, GA – Are you ready for Winter Storm Athena? The Weather Channel, a television network to which skiers and riders are often tuned during the winter season, has announced a plan to name winter storms throughout the 2012-13 season similar to a practice employed by the National Hurricane Center for tropical systems. Mimicking a … Continue reading The Weather Channel to Name Winter Storms

Is Another Record-Breaking Winter On Tap in the U.S.?

Salt Lake City, UT – Skeptics liken long-term weather forecasting to spinning a roulette wheel. But while it’s a long way off, meteorologists are taking note of the persisting effects of the La Niña phenomenon that was credited with a memorable winter across most regions of the U.S. in 2010-11. Last winter set attendance records … Continue reading Is Another Record-Breaking Winter On Tap in the U.S.?