Snowcat Tours Make Skiers Purr

Often referred to as “the poor man’s heli-skiing,” snowcat tours are by no means the neglected stepchildren of the backcountry skiing experience. Whether managed by ski areas or operated independently, cat outfits offer powder-hungry snow riders a heli-like backcountry experience—for as little as one-tenth the cost (anywhere from about $100 to $300 per day). Not … Continue reading Snowcat Tours Make Skiers Purr

Sunshine Village: A Slice of the Alps in Alberta

Banff (AB), Canada – Go ahead.  Tell your friends that you’re going skiing in western Canada.  What will you hear?   "Oh, so is this your first trip to Whistler?" Be more specific.  Tell them you’ll be skiing in the Banff area.   "Yeah, I hear Lake Louise has beautiful views." Then tell them all … Continue reading Sunshine Village: A Slice of the Alps in Alberta

Panorama: Intrawest’s Other B.C. Ski Giant

Panorama (BC), Canada – There might be prettier vistas than the ones we had of Invermere, the 20+mile-long valley lake, nestled between the Rockies and the Purcells, the one Panorama’s literature calls “charming.” Perhaps lakeside splendor was just down the road, around a bend; or perhaps we were jaded. Several hours before, we’d been clamboring … Continue reading Panorama: Intrawest’s Other B.C. Ski Giant

Watch Out for the Kicking Horse!

Large snow removal trucks sped across the Calgary International Airport tarmac as a number of reporters piled into a small twin-prop for a quick, 30-minute flight to Golden, British Columbia, home of Whitetooth Ski Hill. The story which held everyone’s attention was the unveiling of a $200-million undertaking: the Canadian Rockies’ first new ski resort … Continue reading Watch Out for the Kicking Horse!

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