Get Weightless Between Turns to Escape the Intermediate Rut

Ski superstar Phil Mahre once said that skiing, for him, was best summed up as ‘the art of falling into the turn’. Indeed if you watch any accomplished skier carefully you will see a moment of relaxation between turns. n When first learning to give in to gravity, its often a battle with instinct. You … Continue reading Get Weightless Between Turns to Escape the Intermediate Rut

Tip-toeing Like a Beast: Smooth and Powerful Skiing

Most skiers have the natural tendency of trying to force their skis to turn.  This force can take different guises:  many people throw their shoulders into the turn to rotate their skis, others hold their feet together and shove out their hips, and some people even actually jump and just twist their skis in the … Continue reading Tip-toeing Like a Beast: Smooth and Powerful Skiing

Cyprus: Where Sun, Sea and Skiing Merge Into One

Cyprus –In our days, when people hear of the island of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the usual /images that enter their minds revolve around golden sandy beaches with warm turquoise waters, high-end hotels, hot sun, and perhaps a few might even think of the Cyprus Problem, one of the few remaining unresolved conflicts … Continue reading Cyprus: Where Sun, Sea and Skiing Merge Into One

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