Deer Valley 2/9 and Canyons 2/10 -- better than expected


New member
My wife and I skied DV Thursday and Canyons (Sarah's instructor got us half-price tix) Friday. Our expectations were not super-high, but for the most part surfaces were not bad. In both places, there was in most places adequate packed powder on the blue groomers, and the ungroomed was fun as well -- a bit crisp in the am, but reasonably soft in the pm. The only areas that were not enjoyable were some steep blue areas and groomed blacks that had seen heavy traffic, and whatever loose snow might have been there at one time had gotten totally skied off. We had heard a rumor that Canyons had used up its water allocation and couldn't blow snow anymore, but as far as I could tell, they're still laying it down. But the new snow in the forecast in the coming days will certainly be welcome. :snowball fight: