^^ My only pic!
Jason and I headed up to the Catskills for what I'm pretty sure was my very first-ever visit to Hunter on a weekend. On the way up, we laughed about the inevitable return to reality after skiing at a huge Alps ski region.
Temps were in the mid-teens and skies were clear, so Hunter's vaunted snowmaking was in evidence literally all over the hill. We had a great time tracking up mounds of gunpowder on top of a rock-hard base. By 10 am, the main six-pack lift had 10-minute waits, so we did a bunch of laps off the D lift, about 20 yards away, which was ski-on.
Obviously, we'd rather be skiing on natural, but this is exactly the type of situation where Hunter excels and you can't say that they're not putting their money where their marketing is.