loon mtn, nh 1-29-09


New member
"about as good as it gonna get" at loon, was the quote from my buddy....that's about right....best day in at least 3 years.... they left flume, TT and B DIP alone....mikes way trees and low angle 7 bro trees have the most snow i can recall in a long long time, if ever...i would put the total at 15 over the previous 48 hours....it changed between partly cloudy and partly sunny all day... when the sun was out, it was glorious... no wind at all and a constant 25f.....i can't see them leaving it ungroomed for the weekend. the weekend should be very nice packed powder all over ( if u like that sort of thing) :D
pretty much stuck between bumpin on flume and mikes way trees all day... better, more consistent lines were found on flume
as a funny aside i just arrived home, flipped on fox 25 boston news and heard weather guy kevin L say that loon got 21 inches... :roll:

hopefully some of U got some...trouble for next week ?????