Wildcat 1/19/2008


New member
Date(s) Skied: January 19th, 2008

Resort or Ski Area: Wildcat Mountain Ski Area

Lift Lines: No more than 5 minutes

Crowds: Trails were pretty crowded, on the main trails anyway. Woods had no crowds.

Conditions: Packed Powder, Powder.

Trip Report: Overall a very good day. I found more woods stashes which is always a good thing. I was getting fresh tracks at 3:00 the day after a storm, doesn't get much better than that. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

Cloudy day:

Fresh tracks:

More untracked awaits:

Later in the day I stood atop the chute by the some people that were looking down it. They said "there is no way people can ski it"; and "oh they must have died." Then I told them, "I just skied it earlier in the day." Needless to say, I don't think they beleived me, and they skied off without really saying anything else.

Before the sun hits the mountain. Early bird gets the worm:

Same trail later in the day, tracked out:

Thin cover, but it led to some good skiing.

Random snowboarder:

Random skier:

Comments Wanted/Appreciated! Thanks for looking.
Great report and pictures. I regret that I may not get to check out Cannon and Wildcat before moving out to Arizona next year.

Maybe I'll be able to hit up some good conditions there in the future while coming east to visit relatives awround the holidays in the future!
