43 Below, ARG - 29 Aug - 1 Sept 10

This TR about south america skiing is getting pretty boring.

You guys should argue about how YOU like to spend YOUR vacation on another tread called striring sh__! [-X

I spoked my mind again... :-#
Tony Crocker":2i0qwq09 said:
Sorry, minimum 4 travel days out of 13 total. That's still about double the rate of my southern trips.

What are you talking about? I like to changed ski areas, do you count these as travel days? I remember Easter 01 when we skied Whiteface, Ste-Anne, Massif and Glen. I've skied 6 days in a row. How many travel days on that 2006 Western Trip? At least 5 if you count that way. I'm not driving. I'm watching movies on the bus, reading, sleeping, not really tiring.

Lucky Luke":2i0qwq09 said:
I spoked my mind again... :-#

Well said.
Catching on putting pictures online amongst other things. I decided to skip skiing this weekend in order to get things done...retour trip to Montreal tomorrow.

And now is probably a good time to bump this. I know Tony has been bugging me for these at one point, but I had other priorities.

Pics have been added of this TR have been incorporated here (you'll also find links to the whole series pictures inside that TR):

http://madpatski.wordpress.com/2010/08/ ... 1-sept-10/

The other pics should be incorporated in the next couple of weeks (Catedral, Bayo and Pucon). Also working on recapturing the pics from the 2008 TRs where the links have become disconnected.
Tony Crocker":1lg5qcgw said:
With TISA, lift closures and transport logistics I'm guessing about 10K per day.
The best day Aug 31 at La Hoya was 18,900. The other 3 were 11,300, 10,200 and 11,300.
Tony Crocker":2yv24zuc said:
Tony Crocker":2yv24zuc said:
With TISA, lift closures and transport logistics I'm guessing about 10K per day.
The best day Aug 31 at La Hoya was 18,900. The other 3 were 11,300, 10,200 and 11,300.

I skied 28k at Loon on April 8...I always thought your were quality over quantity Tony?

Aug 29 - includes hikes to access premium quality terrain reached with 2 15-20 minutes hikes.
Aug 30 - includes skinning and lift closures.
Aug 31 - excellent day
Sept 1 - a bunch of hikes again.

Best day? Definitely Aug 29 with Aug 31 and Sept 1 were on par.