Edit previous post to cleanup a typo or two and add "MANY FACESHOTS" to 'Snow was deep' skiing Little Cloud.
I'd thought about skiing a couple of runs on Sat 3/15, but did not. It was enough to get all our stuff to SUV and make most of the ~800 mile drive home. I purposely had left a suitcase and another bag in room where we stayed on the 8th floor (Thanks Adam@skiace!). When I went back, none of the 4 keys I had worked. After getting a key from my wife who was waiting near lobby door with rest of our luggage and a short wait for elevator, her key also would not work. I had much longer elevator waits to get to/from front desk where they told me keys thought it was 11 AM (past our checkout) and gave me one that worked. The two extra elevator round-trips added at least 20 minutes to our departure.
Trip Summary: Drive home started with windshield wipers that would not move until I cleaned all the snow from around their bases and manually rocked them free and a very slick steep downhill where I used a lot of 1st gear and antilock brakes to keep speed down to 15-20 mph to stay away from the many vehicles going up and the snowbank on right. For the second time in a row leaving Iron Blosam after more than a foot of snow fell in one day, Cruise Control did not work at all for a while. This time it would engage, but disconnected after hitting bump or randomly until we were past Elko, NV.
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Trip mileage: exactly 2,900. Longest day Iron Blosam to San Jose: ~800 miles. 9:40 AM to 9:40 PM + gained an hour after Wendover
Ski days: 16 (as planned) Palisades, Snowbird/Alta (one on way E plus last two days), Steamboat and Snowbird two days each,
Aspen three (I skied all four areas, Lucia Buttermilk two, Snowmass one), Deer Valley from East Village, Copper Mountain four
Days off: 2 (Moab/Arches on 3/10 and to drive home on 3/15)
Days with vertical over 30K: Deer Valley 35.7K on 2/28 and busy Saturday 3/1 at Steamboat 32.5K
Lowest vertical: 18.5K at Snowbird with some Alta on 3/14, best and last day of trip
Nights in back of SUV: 2 (first was short night at Wendover, NV with many big rigs nearby including one that nearly blocked me in behind McDonalds, second was in bowling alley parking lot in Craig, CO not very far from McDonalds)
Biggest problems other than room keys not working when trying to get last load out of Iron Blosam:
1. Friend remembered he left his jacket at highly recommended 2-bedroom vrbo we stayed at in Hayden, CO when we were 10 miles into drive to Steamboat. When we returned to get it, he also found one of his gloves was on ground where he had entered SUV. He made it up by paying $55 to park very close to where he caught shuttle from Copper Mountain to DEN after skiing one day there.
2. Lucia had returned from El Salvador the night before I left. She thinks she got a stomach bug from SAL airport meal. A three-day course of antibiotics picked up in Aspen did not resolve it and she took a lot of Pepto Bismol tablets to get through the last two days. She skied her first eight days of the season in a row in CO, then after day off for Arches, skied Snowbird three days, taking Thursday off when she did not feel up to it. And not really a problem, but she only drove 30-40 minutes twice: first from Wells to Elko, NV when I really needed a break and she had to drive through blowing, but not sticking snow, then from Fernley (our last gas stop) to last NV exit.
3. Took her and friend on very long and trying for her traverse across steep frozen moguls at Steamboat. It was her choice to avoid groomed black run, but I should have looked at map and found there was a better alternative, a groomed blue run to alternative base to avoid long liftline we'd just endured. She also did not appreciate the 1-2" new on long run to Timberline chair our last day at Copper.
4. I took a hard fall on an easy narrow part of blue Chip's Run at Snowbird. I did not bruise hip I landed on but will feel it for a while.
5. I also fell just after going past gate returning from Alta to Snowbird on my last run.
@Tony Crocker asked if I'd caught a root. I said no. I just wasn't expecting new snow to be so deep ~30".