Days 80-81
Saturday, April 23: Mid-winter in late April.
Temperatures in the teens, snowing felt more like mid-winter than late April. Things you'd expect to be good, like Susie's Trees, were refrozen crud. Things that you didn't expect to be good were surprisingly fun, like Liftline under Collins. I didn't make it up until the crack o'noon thanks to working on Amy's computer until 2 a.m. Friday night. Her Outlook files reminded me of the TV show Hoarders. We didn't start working on it until 9 p.m. and it was far worse than I ever could have imagined.
I was skiing with Amy and friend Pat. As much fun as I was having, by 3:30 p.m. I was ready to head down canyon and take a nap.
Of note, I ran into Jim "Wasatch Weather Weenie" Steenburgh at Watson's with his 12-year-old son Eric. Jim seems to think more of the Monday/Tuesday storm than the NWS does. He believes that this may be the one to get us up to a 200-inch base after we've been tantalizingly close for weeks now. If so, that could be the one that pushes us to 700" YTD, too.
Sunday, April 24: Happy Easter!
It was supposed to be cloudy all day with snow developing. We got the latter beginning around 1 p.m., but we were surprisingly blessed for the holiday by one of the first truly sunny mornings that I can recall this spring.
Alta was absolutely, positively deserted, even quieter than Saturday if that had seemed possible.. We picked up 2" of new snow overnight, too, so the skiing was mighty fine, especially on Backside. We had planned to lap Backside for seconds, but were momentarily distracted by Mineral Basin.
The plan was to simply cruise into Mineral and return to Alta via Baldy Express, but we all screwed up and skied down to Mineral Basin Express. No biggie, we'd simply ride MBE and ski back down to Baldy Express.
When we arrived at Hidden Peak, however, we noticed that the Knucklehead Traverse was open. Gad 2 hasn't been running in weeks, so everything out there is now officially backcountry. And my, oh my was it fine today!
We skied Upper Tigertail. At this point I accidentally put my cell phone camera into 640x480 mode, something I'm kicking myself for now escpecially because we later rode Baldy Express above three young women skiing in bikini tops and bottoms. :lol:
As Bobby would say, smooooooth!
From Snowbird Creekside we returned to Alta via Gadzoom, Little Cloud, Path to Paradise, The Bookends and Baldy Express. Lunch at Watsons was a treat with the usual spring roots rock/blues band playing.
In literally the time it took to eat a burger the weather went from clear blue skies to socked in and snowing. Light went completely flat. Bobby and Telejon returned to Snowbird for one more Gad 2 lap while I remained at Alta with Pat and Amy. Some of the younger crowd were now gathering in costume on Collins so we went over to Sugarloaf and truly had the lift to ourselves. It was fun cruising the groomers over there like Devil's Elbow, Rollercoaster and Extrovert with no one else on them, but light went completely flat with the deteriorating weather and I left a little after 3 to go home and clean up to prepare for Easter dinner. I started typing this post before showering and had nearly completed it when my laptop screen went dark. Then it wouldn't even reboot thereafter without the same thing happening. I managed to pull a cached version out of Firefox this morning by pulling the hard drive and cabling it to my desktop machine.
We all gathered at Amy's where I deep fried a turkey, Pat made a ham and her famed "funeral potatoes" and we celebrated Easter together. A disk check of the laptop hard drive came back relatively clean, but I'll go out and grab another hard drive today and try that before I conclude that the laptop motherboard failed (the graphics card is onboard). Today is likely a geeking day for me. :?
Saturday, April 23: Mid-winter in late April.
Temperatures in the teens, snowing felt more like mid-winter than late April. Things you'd expect to be good, like Susie's Trees, were refrozen crud. Things that you didn't expect to be good were surprisingly fun, like Liftline under Collins. I didn't make it up until the crack o'noon thanks to working on Amy's computer until 2 a.m. Friday night. Her Outlook files reminded me of the TV show Hoarders. We didn't start working on it until 9 p.m. and it was far worse than I ever could have imagined.
I was skiing with Amy and friend Pat. As much fun as I was having, by 3:30 p.m. I was ready to head down canyon and take a nap.
Of note, I ran into Jim "Wasatch Weather Weenie" Steenburgh at Watson's with his 12-year-old son Eric. Jim seems to think more of the Monday/Tuesday storm than the NWS does. He believes that this may be the one to get us up to a 200-inch base after we've been tantalizingly close for weeks now. If so, that could be the one that pushes us to 700" YTD, too.
Sunday, April 24: Happy Easter!
It was supposed to be cloudy all day with snow developing. We got the latter beginning around 1 p.m., but we were surprisingly blessed for the holiday by one of the first truly sunny mornings that I can recall this spring.
Alta was absolutely, positively deserted, even quieter than Saturday if that had seemed possible.. We picked up 2" of new snow overnight, too, so the skiing was mighty fine, especially on Backside. We had planned to lap Backside for seconds, but were momentarily distracted by Mineral Basin.
The plan was to simply cruise into Mineral and return to Alta via Baldy Express, but we all screwed up and skied down to Mineral Basin Express. No biggie, we'd simply ride MBE and ski back down to Baldy Express.
When we arrived at Hidden Peak, however, we noticed that the Knucklehead Traverse was open. Gad 2 hasn't been running in weeks, so everything out there is now officially backcountry. And my, oh my was it fine today!
We skied Upper Tigertail. At this point I accidentally put my cell phone camera into 640x480 mode, something I'm kicking myself for now escpecially because we later rode Baldy Express above three young women skiing in bikini tops and bottoms. :lol:
As Bobby would say, smooooooth!
From Snowbird Creekside we returned to Alta via Gadzoom, Little Cloud, Path to Paradise, The Bookends and Baldy Express. Lunch at Watsons was a treat with the usual spring roots rock/blues band playing.
In literally the time it took to eat a burger the weather went from clear blue skies to socked in and snowing. Light went completely flat. Bobby and Telejon returned to Snowbird for one more Gad 2 lap while I remained at Alta with Pat and Amy. Some of the younger crowd were now gathering in costume on Collins so we went over to Sugarloaf and truly had the lift to ourselves. It was fun cruising the groomers over there like Devil's Elbow, Rollercoaster and Extrovert with no one else on them, but light went completely flat with the deteriorating weather and I left a little after 3 to go home and clean up to prepare for Easter dinner. I started typing this post before showering and had nearly completed it when my laptop screen went dark. Then it wouldn't even reboot thereafter without the same thing happening. I managed to pull a cached version out of Firefox this morning by pulling the hard drive and cabling it to my desktop machine.
We all gathered at Amy's where I deep fried a turkey, Pat made a ham and her famed "funeral potatoes" and we celebrated Easter together. A disk check of the laptop hard drive came back relatively clean, but I'll go out and grab another hard drive today and try that before I conclude that the laptop motherboard failed (the graphics card is onboard). Today is likely a geeking day for me. :?