Another foot or more predicted for the Wasatch tonight

Skidog":20f8qu93 said:
Admin":20f8qu93 said:
I got an email from a friend last night who went up after work yesterday and confirmed the 10" at that time. Since then the lake effect machine really turned on - it was puking here at the house at only 5000 feet when I went to bed at 12:30 and despite temps pushing 40 overnight the roads in my neighborhood were still covered this morning.

Still cant be talked into it huh?

All this snow going to waste. If you don't need, can you send it this way? I would LOVE to get some October hike-for-turns, unfortunately still looking for the opportunity. :roll:
I'm with admin on this one. The backcountry expeditions are surely more satisfying at the other end of the season, when lifts have stopped but substantial backcountry snowpack remains.

But I don't do much of this either, because Mammoth's lift served snow lasts as long as most accessible Sierra backcountry. I would have much different attitude on the East Coast, or in the remote western ski towns where the lifts shut in early April.
Tony Crocker":3h5gpduj said:
I'm with admin on this one. The backcountry expeditions are surely more satisfying at the other end of the season, when lifts have stopped but substantial backcountry snowpack remains.

But I don't do much of this either, because Mammoth's lift served snow lasts as long as most accessible Sierra backcountry. I would have much different attitude on the East Coast, or in the remote western ski towns where the lifts shut in early April.

Blah....go look here, tell me you wouldn't want some of that? ... hp?t=98400

Alta's mid-mountain stake is up to 29" with another foot or more predicted for tomorrow.

Here's some great video from last night's KSL 6pm newscast:
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High Rustler helmet cam footage from Oct. 8:
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Tony Crocker":j7q9insa said:
I'm with admin on this one. The backcountry expeditions are surely more satisfying at the other end of the season, when lifts have stopped but substantial backcountry snowpack remains.

Well, I've changed my mind, but the weekend weather forecast gets the credit, not Skidog's needling. The forecast for Saturday/Sunday has been bumped up to 1 to 2 feet of snow from this weekend's storm, and that's on top of the 29" already at the mid-mountain stake. It should be pretty bottomless when we head up Sunday morning.